Custom Collar for Stella
Carnelian: Also known as the "bloodstone" It’s said to help blood disorders and eliminate toxins from the body, it was used in ancient times to heal nose bleeds. This stone purifies blood, the heart, lungs and liver, strengthens the immune system: Carnelian is very effective in treating any kind of infections and diseases of the blood.
Tigereye: Tiger’s Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It is thought to boost the endocrine system, bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry back to level, and placed on the reproductive organs, may stimulate fertility and resolve issues arising from past experiences. Tiger’s Eye placed on either side of the head energetically rebalances the brain’s hemispheres, and as this stone holds energy of the sun, may relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. It is effective for alleviating nightmares, and is reputed to relieve asthma attacks and angina, and help lower blood pressure.
Turquoise ( Arizona): Aside from being the “Master Healer”, Turquoise is a strengthening stone, good for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. It enhances physical and psychic immune systems, supporting the assimilation of nutrients, alleviating pollution and viral infections. It has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying qualities.
Bloodstone: It's use for healing, and its connection to blood and detoxification of the organs, date back five thousand years to Mesopotamia. Bloodstone may be used to boost the immune system and to purify the blood, spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder, and intestines, neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the body. It benefits blood-rich organs, regulates and stimulates blood flow, and aids circulation, is highly beneficial in staunching blood flow, It is conducive to healthy bone marrow and may be used in the treatments of blood disorders such as anemia, leukaemia, tumours, acute infections, and over-acidification.
Amethyst: On a physical level, amethyst is associated with healthy cell regeneration, enhancing immune system, improving endocrine function, encouraging soothing sleep and rest, and promoting hormonal balance. As Amethyst helps balance metabolism and positively serves the endocrine system, purifying blood, spirit and mind.